Switch to Braided Stainless
In recent history, stainless brake lines have become one of the most popular stand-alone upgrades that one can purchase for their vehicle. That many people cannot be wrong can they? There are several reasons it is a benefit to invest in stainless brake lines.
One of the biggest benefits is that when compared to the old rubber lines, stainless brake lines offer 66% less expansion. What this comes down to is that your newly purchased stainless brake lines will make your problems due to heat and other factors quickly fade, and it also reduces pedal travel.
When you reduce pedal travel thanks to these stainless brake lines, you are going to notice an increase in braking power, be able to brake faster and it even feels better when you hit those brakes.
On average, a rubber hose lasts for approximately 6 years, if you do not remember to change them before they can become a safety hazard. With stainless brake lines, you do not have to worry about changing your brake lines.
Many people are worried about the price; after all, shouldn’t stainless brake lines with all those benefits be much more expensive? The truth of the matter is that when you are paying for them, your bank account is barely going to know the difference, but your car sure is.
If you are interested in making the switch to stainless brake lines E. L. Johnston Auto Parts has you covered. For the best quality and best service be sure to drive on over to E. L. Johnston Auto Parts and find out why they are considered at the top of the business.